Monday, April 26, 2010

the language of LOVE...

HELLO LOVE Project! The more I ask and explore the language of the heart, the more I find LOVE just expands and expands. Listening to the heart is so fun, because sometimes it speaks in so many different ways. I wonder how many of us think we are hearing the language of the heart, only to find the heart is always changing and beating...hmnnn. And what about the language of the universal heart; how do we hear that? Tell me your thoughts on the heart and the language of LOVE!!!!;)
Touchdown, hut, hut..go LOVE!

What language does the Heart speak?

HELLO LOVE Project! How beautiful is today, a blade of grass with a dew drop reflecting the light of the rainbow, the earth moist from the quench of rain and the sun is shinning. All we need to do is ask LOVE, to show us, and LOVE always responds. So, the question for the HELLO LOVE project today is...the heart is it's own field and longs to be nurtured and acknowledged, how can we learn to let the heart guide us? Where does the heart wish to go? What language does the heart speak? Tell me your thoughts on the heart's desires of opening up to more LOVE. Have a great journey through the heart LOVE bug's!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Everywhere I look, I see..LOVE?

HELLO LOVE Project!What a blessing today is! Everywhere I look, I see so much abundance, Love and joy! It's almost overwhelming, like a kid in a candy store, I feel like hmmnnn.. which thing do I want to do first, and who do I want to play with and oh my goodness, I get to go there! Wow! How does it get any better than this?
A friend of mine told me to see what I believe, not to believe what I see! I LOVE this! So the question of LOVE today is.....If we believe there is so much LOVE everywhere then is that what we will begin to see? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, let's go! Touchdown LOVE! Let's believe in LOVE and see it everywhere! Let me know your thoughts!
xxoo my LOVEBUGS, kisses, smooch, big hug!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ask the Earth, how can I contribute to you?

HELLO LOVE Project! More LOVE questions for the Earth, it is on my heart so much today, to ask, and ask...the Earth...What can I do for you? How can I contribute to you? Can we just all for a moment, close our eyes, and set our intent on this beautiful blue planet. All her beauty, all the life here she supports. Everything about this Earth we LOVE so much. Now can we just ask her...what do you need now? And can we just send our LOVE, appreciation and light to her,,,now. That feels good. So what would it take to have this awareness and question throughout the day? What would have to happen for more and more people throughout this day to have an awareness and contribution to this planet? with ease, joy and glory. WOW:)

Share with me your questions and your thoughts.....:)
LOVE to the Earth!
xxoo, K'lei

Response to Yesterday's Questions of the Earth...

HELLO LOVE Project! Good morning on this beautiful day! Here is a response to yesterday's question on the Earth! Enjoy LOVE Bugs! xxoo K'lei

I don't find it a coincidence that the earth is rebelling in noticeable volume these days. Earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. I think it needs a little tlc.

Its almost like electronics are a devils toy to distract everyone from taking notice of what is real and god given and less and less appreciated. Just my take, and I get caught up in days sometimes and forget to notice how cool the clouds are or how awesome the river and mountains look. I think everyone's pcs and iphones should boot up with a message, have you noticed your environment today? What can you do to make it better?

Thanks for the message girl.

Have fun, spread a smile and enjoy everyday! ....Billie

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tonight, can the heart open more to the earth?

HELLO LOVE Project! As I have been exploring asking so many more questions in my life, I find it interesting that I first began asking questions of LOVE. As we move more into the field of the heart, how much more LOVE is there? What are the colors? The sensations? The experiences? Is it possible to send all these waves of LOVE to the Earth? HELLO LOVE's Project questions of LOVE. Tonight, can the heart open more to the Earth? To the Oneness....let me know...
sweet dreams LOVEBUGS!