Saturday, August 29, 2009

Do listen to your heart?

HELLO LOVE Project! There is so much we see all the time. Hear, feel, think. Everywhere you turn there is another idea or image, sound. Including in our own minds. If we want to open up to more LOVE, then do we need to turn some of the noise down? To really listen. My heart says if you build a strong sense of the heart, then your connection to LOVE is there for you at all times. It guides you and uplifts you. But how many of us our listening to our hearts? I believe if we were, conversations wouldn't be as long, and actions wouldn't be so delayed. I listen to people all the time go round and round with their mind, and ignore the call of the heart. For today, may you listen to your heart.

We never know, where it may lead

or who will follow...

but each and every heart has a song

gift it with freedom

and let it sing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Klei.