Monday, September 28, 2009

Do you need more LOVE in your Life? More space, more time?

HELLO LOVE Project! Can you feel the LOVE? Do you need more LOVE in your life? Get to know LOVE on a more personal level! Aloha LOVE Project! Sometimes we get rushed, or in such a hurry, turning our vision outwards. Seeking and desperately wanting more time, more space, more LOVE. We lose each moment of awakening LOVE when we do this. Every time we talk to another, there is the opportunity for the awareness of LOVE. What is LOVE? Where is LOVE? LOVE is everywhere, and LOVE is in you. Take a breath, breathe in LOVE, breathe out the rush. There is no rush. Call on LOVE, LOVE will answer. Open your heart to the remembrance of beautiful all encompassing LOVE.

Close your eyes,

Feel the warmth of summer surround you...

see yourself dancing, laughing..

breathe in the fresh air,

you are the miracle

the miracle is you...

that's right, go ahead, let your smile shine!

radiate all the beautiful, sunshine that is in your soul!

Give it to the garden of humanity, allow the light to grow!


softness surrounds you now.

This day you are asked, and you answer the call,

You are a beautiful Light, that is special and unique!

Your presence uplifts all, your peaceful heart sings with joy.

You are innocent. You are healed, now. You are LOVELY. You are LOVE.


Have an amazing day my LOVES!
with LOVE, K'lei

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Butterfly to the air it's wings fly in....

HELLO LOVE Project! Did you find the the voice of LOVE? Do you hear LOVE more now? Awe, the sweetness of having an open heart to hear LOVE. To my heart the voice of LOVE pervades everything. It is an underlying essence, a beautiful silk thread that intertwines and connects everything. The butterfly to the air it's wings fly in. The child to the star it sees at night. The water to the delicate design crystal of a snowflake. My feet to the ground. The beautiful music of the cosmos.

The voice of LOVE is heard, through my heart, it speaks through my words and opens through my spirit. I can hear LOVE, everywhere. My hope is LOVE hears me. Does LOVE hear you? I believe LOVE does. To be heard by LOVE. Doesn't that just make everything seem so beautiful? To know LOVE is listening to you. Doesn't that just take the worries away? Hmnnn..

A Poem

No Longer a stranger, you listen

All day to these crazy LOVE words.

Like a bee you fill hundreds of homes with

honey, though yours is a long way from here.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Do you know the voice of LOVE?

HELLO LOVE Project! LOVE really does make the world go round! Where is the LOVE in your life? I hope everywhere. The Question for today is....How do you hear LOVE? What does LOVE sound like. Can you hear it, and do you ever refuse to hear it? Do you know the voice of LOVE? Does it ever speak through you? To you? Let me know the sound of LOVE to you. I am sure there are infinite sounds, but I feel it's important for us each to know the sound of LOVE we hear most. Declare today, to have an open heart to hear with. LOVE is speaking....are you willing to listen?

A Poem

The clear bead at the center

changes everything. There are

no edges to my loving now.

You've heard it said there's

a window that opens from one

mind to another, but if there's

no wall, there's no need for

fitting the window, or the latch.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tomorrow there shall be a rainbow....

HELLO LOVE Project! The creation of wholeness. Tonight may LOVE make you whole. Tonight may you create a healing. May a healing bring you a centered peace. tonight may joy come into your heart and celebrate wholeness. My wish for you is for a miracle. I wish for a miracle tonight. Where there has been separation, let there be unity. Where there has been a loss, let wholeness be returned.

Close your eyes and cross over the river of LOVE. Return the soul to wholeness.

With a fresh beginning, as if just born, may the dream begin anew.

The light shines through. The rain comes and renews.

Tomorrow there shall be a rainbow.

Sweet dreams, my LOVES.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Does LOVE really heal all?

HELLO LOVE Project! Does LOVE really heal all? Can LOVE fix what is wrong?

I say yes. I believe in the power of LOVE over everything. I believe LOVE can heal, can help, can change, can influence, can soothe, can overcome.

If there is a conflict in your life, a confusion, an illness, a fear, a doubt, a worry, I believe LOVE can help.

Instead of focusing on any of that, instead just focus on LOVE. Just focus on the heart. And feel into the space of LOVE.

Tell me what it does, if it changes anything or not? I bet it changes everything. Sweet dreams my LOVES!

My friends,

may we know LOVE

May we be intimate with LOVE

may the moon sing LOVE to you

and the swaying trees.

My heart,

may you be open

may you receive

beautiful blessings to be.

May your song,

delight, and sing.


My heart grew this weekend...

HELLO LOVE Project! What a weekend I had. Through asking so many questions of LOVE, and desiring to open up to more LOVE, I needed to face some ideas about LOVE and life and go deep within. The journey is a very expressed energy and carries many blessings. After exploring some fears, some boundaries, ideas, and feelings. I found that it is a blessing to let the heart breathe and expand. Through this expansion, the heart moves into a deeper awareness of the LOVE we all are. Today, after a wave of LOVE all weekend, soaring through my being, I now feel grace. I heard a song on the radio, "sometimes LOVE comes around, and it knocks you down, just get back up when it knocks you down".

Through this wave of LOVE knocking me down, I realized that I momentarily stepped back from the greatest gift of all...the gift of LOVE. Then, through tears and release, a surrender settled in. My heart grew this weekend. Yesterday, a beautiful rainbow illuminated the sky. My heart has a pulse of it's own. It is calling me home. Home to LOVE.

Where is your home?
Where is your heart?

Do you listen?

LOVE is knocking on the door, LOVE is the gateway, LOVE is all. I LOVE you my LOVES. Have a beautiful day. With LOVE, hope, praise and joy..peace be with you.-K'lei

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HELLO LOVE Project! Bless this day! I pray that you are feeling joyous, happy, refreshed, and excited for this day. If you're not, close your eyes, take a deep breath, imagine a big pink glowing ball in the center of your mind...then connect to your heart, feel the vibration, see the infinite colors of the rainbow pulsating through your heart...go ahead exhale.

Now add the sound of a waterfall, feel the water drops hit your face. Do you hear the sound of those birds chirping. Breathe in, breath out. You are in paradise.

Now imagine you are inside that pink ball, surrounded by it's light. Breathe.

Bless this day, Bless you. With Love, may you invite this joyous day to move through you, witnessing everything as a miracle. Step back and smile with the journey. There is more space around you than you realize. Breathe into it.

Have a beautiful blessed day my LOVES! And remember...Heaven is right where you are standing! Shanti, om shanti. My LOVE and blessings..K'lei.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Declare your connection with LOVE....

HELLO LOVE Project! My heart is full of gratitude and joy right now. It's so beautiful to participate with LOVE. Declaration: I move from the center of my being...which is LOVE. If we realize that anything outside of the center is just a layer pointing us to the middle of LOVE, how different do things look?

I invite you to declare your connection with LOVE. Now and in every moment and see where LOVE takes you.

For tonight, may you sleep with the blanket of LOVE surrounding you, and may you feel peace. Goodnight my LOVES.

If we only knew

could hear

could see

the cosmic Mother

her lullaby....

we sleep with her LOVE all night.
Divine right.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

HELLO LOVE Project! Love is in the air! Or is it something else? What do you feel now? As we ask of LOVE, LOVE answers. Does LOVE ask back of us?

I ask you to find the calmness in your heart if you feel yourself to be admist a great storm.

Unshakable is the tree thats roots are sewn from a deep center of LOVE. The branches may sway, and lose some leaves, but the trunk of the tree stays centered deep in it's resevoir nourished by LOVE.

As is every moment up till now, the past, this moment too becomes the past and fades into a deep mystery and memory. Like a song we remember, but no longer have the music.

I invite you to write your own songs. To write your own music.

The song you might remember playing, doesn't have to be the soundtrack for the present and doesn't need a musical debut to be dismissed as a beautiful presence of LOVE. Cheers to all the music of humanity. Salute to all the wonderful new melody's being dreamed at this moment. Keep the lyrics focused on LOVE and LOVE will ignite more music than we can imagine.

So the HELLO LOVE Project's question on my heart today is....What, oh your song

Thursday, September 10, 2009

And the branches reach for the heavens....

HELLO LOVE Project! Hmnn...
Tonight may you know that you are LOVE'S creation. Tonight may you feel that you are LOVE. Tonight may you rest softly in knowing that LOVE is always with you. No matter where you are, may you lay down all other thoughts tonight, than that of LOVE. May the branches on the tree of humanity reach for the heavens in LOVE.

My wish on the stars tonight is for you....all of you....go and breathe into your heart and speak to LOVE. As I speak to LOVE, I simply find myself allowing more and more of it in my heart to be seen.

Serenity to all. May tonight your dreams take you to the heart of LOVE. May your eyes awaken renewed. May your hope change the world. May your vision be cleansed by LOVE, again and again.

With delicate balance...

and softness

the seed becomes the tree

water falls into the roots

and the branches reach for the heavens.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Refills on the cup of LOVE...

HELLO LOVE Project! Drinking from the cup of LOVE, there is always a refill. Today, was indeed a great day! And sure enough, blessings from heaven arrived. The question how do we give back to LOVE, I found by being LOVING, but it came to me, that we give to LOVE by receiving LOVE'S, LOVE. And by perceiving it. I don't know, could be just that simple. Sweet dreams. Mahalo.

Blessings from Heaven....

HELLO LOVE Project! GOOD morning my LOVES! Today is the most brilliant, beautiful day of your life! With each breath, witness the LOVE. Raise your hands in praise and expect something extraordinary to come today! Open your hearts more than you imagined! As you walk through this day, imagine everything as a beautiful act of LOVE. Every person, thing, animal, plant, cloud, bumper sticker, imagine it is all part of LOVE talking to you. Now, I know today we are going to be blessed by LOVE. So, the question is....from my are we going to give back to LOVE today? Yeah! I am so excited with this question and can't wait to see how it moves through me today. Let me know your experiences, because I know they are going to be huge! Blessings from heaven....are everywhere...just open up! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

Some blessings...

like rainbows after rain

or a friend's listening ear...

are extraordinary gifts

waiting to be discovered

in an ordinary day.

--Promises for LIFE..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We are LOVE'S Mystery....

HELLO LOVE Project! Letting go and moving with the Mystery! What an amazing day it was! All day long there was beauty! All day long there was freedom! All day long a mystery moved through my heart! LOVE is simple. LOVE is LOVE is LOVE. When we allow life to move through us, with an open heart, and an open invitation to LOVE, the mystery plays throughout like a beautiful symphony. Maybe it's in the shape of a cloud. Or perhaps a beautiful idea. And sometimes a synchronicity. However it comes, it always amazes me, and delights my heart. I feel like I walk around with a constant smile, but I can't help it. There is just so much LOVE! Perhaps we are LOVE'S mystery. May you have a starlight night my LOVE'S.

the mystery moves,

the flute calls it's song

life begins again, with each new breath


nature, the friend


Do you live in a constant state of amazement?

HELLO LOVE Project! The sun is shinning, LOVE fills the air, and a sense of mystery is everywhere. Today my heart says "Let go"! Go into the mystery. Perhaps accept that the only thing you know, is that you don't know. Invite the mystery of Life to play through you with LOVE. Use LOVE as a tool. Everything you think, hear, see, smell, feel...ask does this feel LOVING? Does this bring more LOVE to my heart? And if the answer is no...then...let it go! If the answer is yes...praise LOVE! Step into LOVE's grace. Through eyes of LOVE we begin to imagine the beautiful mystery weaving a divine tapestry of grace through our hearts. May you engage with the mystery. May the mystery engage with you! Tell me of your moments with the mystery and LOVE! And may you be delighted! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

those who are truly awake...

live in a constant state of amazement.

-Jack Kornfield

Monday, September 7, 2009

LOVE what you do....

HELLO LOVE Project! Do you LOVE what you do? In asking this question, a lot of things opened up. If you don't LOVE what you do....then why are you doing it? And then also, do you bring LOVE into everything that you do?

But, let's face it...sometimes it's difficult to hold that space. Or is it? Underneath is LOVE. So, maybe we all just need reminders.

The more LOVE everyone has in their lives, the more LOVE will be on the planet. So, even if you can't reason with yourself to follow your bliss or LOVE, then do it for the sake of the planet and everyone else on it. Try by making a commitment to LOVE and then see how things unfold. I hope you do what you LOVE and LOVE what you do. Goodnight LOVES!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Do you LOVE what you do?

HELLO LOVE Project! Tell me your thoughts on LOVE. In exploring the so many shades of LOVE my heart continues to open more and more to LOVE and Life. Today is a great day! And it is my hope that today the HELLO LOVE Project will inspire you to live a more LOVING life. How? Today's question is....Do you LOVE what you do? It seems to me that the more LOVE you have for what you do, the more LOVE it will bring to you. Are you living your passion? Do you follow your heart? It will lead you. Especially, right now, so many people are at turning point in their careers and finances. Let's see the glass as half full. And let us view life as an opportunity. Let us invite LOVE into this area of Life and just see where it goes. If you don't already LOVE what you do...what would you LOVE to do? Maybe LOVE is asking to be brought into what you are doing now. Explore this question with the HELLO LOVE Project and let me know what it is that you discover. Best of fortune and LOVE my dears, may you expand your gifts with LOVE and let your light so shine.

Whatever path of action you find

that brings good and happiness

to all,

follow this way

like the moon in the path of the stars.

-Jack Kornfield

Friday, September 4, 2009

Any way I turn...I see brilliance..

HELLO LOVE Project! The answer is yes, light and LOVE co mingle in an infinite ray of happiness. Laughter brings LOVE instantly. Sleep well my LOVES.

Any cup I hold fills with wine

that lovers drink.

Every word I say opens

into mystery.

Any way I turn I see brilliance.


Can we all just lighten up in LOVE?

HELLO LOVE Project! Happy Friday! Today may you feel inspired. Today may you feel at ease. Today may you feel blessed. Today may you seek LOVE. Today LOVE seeks you. So many times we often forget to view the world and our lives with childlike eyes. We lose sight. We forget just how LOVED we are. Just for today, let's breathe in our innocence. Let's laugh at the very thing that usually bothers us. Let's keep it Light. The LOVE question on my heart today is.....if we keep it Light and in LOVE, then does our reality just shift instantly? Let me know your thoughts on Light and LOVE.

Dreaming my dream

Is light

Is LOVE...

Heaven rolls in...

Pink clouds and doves

A kiss from an angel

a whisper from a friend..

Be LOVE, Be light

and have fun


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Imagine LOVE....HELLO?

HELLO LOVE Project! Imagine LOVE...HELLO. I found out it's not that hard. Because we naturally do it. Except with things that we are pre-conditioned to re-act to. Which really are just sign posts on the highway of LOVE to not take the exit and instead to take a deep breath. To realize, it's only our little illusion, that creates the idea of the re-action. And there really is no valid reason to get off the highway of LOVE. So...I don't know what you found, but my heart says...who cares...just LOVE. Let it go. Move beyond. Seek out a new reality, one of LOVE, one of generosity, one of support, one of happiness. Sweet dreams my little LOVE bugs! IMAGINE..

Shout out to John & Yoko...

Two souls who knew what was going on...

Imagine...that! LOVE!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


HELLO LOVE Project! Imagine LOVE! Today let's just "Imagine" more LOVE. If there is a place where you are worried...Imagine LOVE. If there is a place where you are fearful... Imagine LOVE. If there is a place where you are angry...Imagine LOVE. If there is a place where you have sorrow...Imagine LOVE gently holding you why you weep. I say LOVE is here, and I say LOVE is to become more than we know. So, for today..let's just imagine LOVE..throughout our world. Even if it's challenging. Yes, that means if there is a particular person, event, story, or place that is..let's just say challenging to you...imagine it to be the most beautiful LOVE you have seen. And even if it's a thing you already like...imagine you LOVE it more! Let's go LOVE! HELLO LOVE!

Today I will LOVE as if it's the only choice...

Today I will glow with LOVE

Imagining only LOVE

Today there is only LOVE.