Thursday, August 20, 2009

How does LOVE give thanks.....

ALOHA LOVE Project!! In exploring some of the different shades of LOVE we become so very aware that gratitude is a huge part of LOVE. Which brings the question.....How does LOVE give thanks? hmnn, to open up to more ways that the essence of LOVE is giving thanks to you, might just change the world....


I AM whole, healthy, I am not the disease,

I AM part of the eternal greatness.

May this story give you strength. You have everything you need.

Look North: the spirit runs through the body.

Look East and feel the power of the Sun,

our family, our people.

Look West and hold on to a healing guide.

Look South and make harmony with your life.

--Native Healer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE is a major component of gratitude. It is difficult for me to express gratitude to a person I dislike. How does one learn to love the unlovable?