Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Imagine LOVE....HELLO?

HELLO LOVE Project! Imagine LOVE...HELLO. I found out it's not that hard. Because we naturally do it. Except with things that we are pre-conditioned to re-act to. Which really are just sign posts on the highway of LOVE to not take the exit and instead to take a deep breath. To realize, it's only our little illusion, that creates the idea of the re-action. And there really is no valid reason to get off the highway of LOVE. So...I don't know what you found, but my heart says...who cares...just LOVE. Let it go. Move beyond. Seek out a new reality, one of LOVE, one of generosity, one of support, one of happiness. Sweet dreams my little LOVE bugs! IMAGINE..

Shout out to John & Yoko...

Two souls who knew what was going on...

Imagine...that! LOVE!

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