Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blessings from Heaven....

HELLO LOVE Project! GOOD morning my LOVES! Today is the most brilliant, beautiful day of your life! With each breath, witness the LOVE. Raise your hands in praise and expect something extraordinary to come today! Open your hearts more than you imagined! As you walk through this day, imagine everything as a beautiful act of LOVE. Every person, thing, animal, plant, cloud, bumper sticker, imagine it is all part of LOVE talking to you. Now, I know today we are going to be blessed by LOVE. So, the question is....from my are we going to give back to LOVE today? Yeah! I am so excited with this question and can't wait to see how it moves through me today. Let me know your experiences, because I know they are going to be huge! Blessings from heaven....are everywhere...just open up! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

Some blessings...

like rainbows after rain

or a friend's listening ear...

are extraordinary gifts

waiting to be discovered

in an ordinary day.

--Promises for LIFE..

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